They say "No guts, No glory" , so here I am typing the conclusion of my Europe backpacking tour, which spans over a period of 43 days with a mere 1000 € (SGD 1500) budget to divide between 15 places in Europe, including Turkey and I still have change to spare, I'm just extremely lazy to keep track of my exact expenditure per item. I mean, I'm aware that it's not the lowest, and I'm not competing with anyone on the cost, but it's a huge savings at the cost of many uncertainties. You see, there's always a trade-off for everything (comfort/safety vs. cost) and I know more people who rain on my parade than people who actually encouraged me when I said that I'm going solo. Truth to be told, it was insane, terrifying but it was also a hell loads of fun when you don't know where you are headed to each day or who will be staying with. I didn't have a game plan when I headed off from UK, figuring my route day by day, often making spontaneous decisions to partake unexpected adventures (then panicking and contemplating my life decisions).
I've did an unimaginable amount in a short span of time and limited money that I can afford, coming back to see the world with a fresh pair of lenses, learning the value of social currency as well as the value of a dollar. Accommodation was solely covered by CouchSurfing, and yes that translates to 0 € spent on overnight stays. Transportation from one destination to another was a combination of flights, ferries, buses and BlaBlacar. I did a fair amount of hitchhiking and carpooling to save on costs as well. If you want to be precise, my transportation cost amounts to 289.68 €.
Paris-Brussels-Amsterdam-Berlin-Prague-Vienna-Hungary-Venezia-Rome-Athens-Agristri-Santorini-Fethiye (Oludeniz)-Cappadocia-Istanbul

How to survive travelling when you identify yourself as a poor and adventurous traveller
1. Knowing the resources to get FREE things (rides, accommodation, food, transport,apps)
Be shameless and disciplined when it comes to saving money. Every dollar saved goes a long way, and as I've mentioned earlier, social currency is a valuable resource.
i) CouchSurfing (Yes, I am a girl but that doesn't mean that is the sole reason why I get hosted)

Read my references at: https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/lyrennaloh/references
Was hosted a total of 22 times, met a couple of people during events or through meetups including in the UK. Got to admit, I started CouchSurfing with the intention to get a free stay, but along the way, I became an advocate for the app. It is definitely a great way to be directly integrated to the locals' culture and their way of life since they include you in their routine. Even if I have the means to afford a hostel, I wouldn't because the social connections I have gained from the platform are so diverse and you often have very unique experiences with your hosts or co-surfers. Personally speaking, staying with guys is always easier because of their easy-going nature and there are always ample food, beers or wine available in the fridge.
How I received offers fairly easily was mainly because of this blog. I started writing because I wanted to store my memories where I can put my thoughts and the pictures that I took (also aspiring travel writer) but who knows that it will come into handy. I find public trips better in securing a host because you know that you have a willing person to take you in and if you are lucky, you get a couple of offers to pick from. Always read the references. Your responsibility and best bet to keep yourself safe. Period.
I always hear complains such as "No one wants to host me because I am a guy." Not true. Here's the thing, you can always head for CS events or gatherings to score a stay with the locals too. The face-to-face interactions always make it easier as long as you are friendly. No gender preferences here. Get a cardboard and write things like "Willing to clean and cook in exchange for a couch" I've heard success stories about it, might contemplate giving it a try when in desperate times.
ii) Hitchhiking
When taxis isn't an option and you need to get somewhere fast. Start with short trips to get a feel of it then transit to longer rides. It wasn't difficult to get a ride at all, maybe it seems like my struggles were too obvious to ignore, but if it works, it's all good. The autostop hand sign is universal and you won't be waiting for long before a car stops by, it took me 10 min tops to get a ride, just make sure that you are heading in the right direction and preferably stand by the side on the main road. Head on to www.hitchwiki.org is useful to find out good hitching spots.
Once, I was picked up a Turkish guy who can't communicate well in English so we took turns using Google Translate to converse. It was pretty interesting and I learnt a couple of new words along the way.
Note: Bear in mind that stranger danger applies for both. Attempt at your own risk, just be a little street smart and always trust your intuition. Basically speaking, trial and error and you will get a hang of things eventually.
iii) Public Transportation System
Rule of thumb: Never pay for public transportation unless you need to. Observe the loopholes, you'll find ways around sneaking in and honestly speaking, it isn't difficult. I have seen many locals doing the same. I've probably only paid in big cites such as Paris, Rome and Istanbul. Just be wary of the periodic checks (Argh the 60 € fine), or speak in a foreign language if you ever get caught. Perks of being Asian. )
iv) Incognito mode on browser (Under Settings - Incognito mode)
For the lowest airfare/bus fare. Fares are usually regulated based on demand and supply. So basically, how this works out is by deleting your browsing history on the internet browser that you are using, the price stated for your airfare will be the lowest. One of the most useful tips on travelling cheap since transportation is the mother of all expenses)
v) Apps
The app store is a treasure trove of (FREE) resources for you to exploit. Maps.me (download the map of the entire country/city) and wifimaps was extremely useful during my travels to get the passwords for wifi. Not to mention, locals are your best resource in finding out the best (instagammable) places or unique bars.
vi) Food
Ask and you shall receive. Head to restaurants/cafes after closing times and ask for leftovers that they will be throwing away. It's not extravagant but at least you don't run hungry. Sometimes, you get nice people who will sit beside you in the bar/pub and pay for your food and drinks when you strike a good conversation with them. Sometimes, you'll have cooking sessions to bond with your hosts and whip up something each to share.
vii) Others
It's an instant visual memory boost when you are travelling alone. Maps become secondary when you recognize streets by memory. I am constantly forced to re learn new streets and be familiarize with them in a short period of time. If anything, just be sure to know your way back to your accommodation if not you are in real trouble. Always have a drop pin of the place that you are staying at on your Google map. If you need people to share the cost for a roadtrip, use Facebook groups e.g. Singapore Exchange Students in Europe/set an event on CouchSurfing, chances are, you will be able to find interested parties. Or Blablacar.
Highlights of my trip
Pinching pennies doesn't mean that I deprive myself from having fun.
1. Free falling over a Blue Flags Beach in Oludeniz, Turkey

2. Music Festivals and conveniently getting a shoulder ride
Lowkey enjoying the ride, highkey scared that I'm going to fall

3. Imprompto acoustic showcase by vocal powerhouses

2. Getting lost in the middle of the valley then meeting people who led us to ancient byzantine church and monastery

3. Skinny Dipping in the Mediterranean Sea.

3. Camping out in Greek Island

4. Cycling for six hours through the parks and city of Prague, then rewarding ourselves with a pint of beer at every rest stop. 100% approved drink driving

5. Living with a rescue dog who runs faster than I cycle

6. Visiting my host's future cave house. Flintstones dreams turning into reality

7. Free climbing and free falling into the depths of Cappadocia's pigeon valley

8. Swimming in one of clearest blue waters I have ever seen

9. Meeting cool co-surfers

10. Picking ingredients from the backyard

11. Imprompto photoshoots

12. Meeting like-minded independent travellers at random places and figuring out new places together

13. Roadtrips and hikes

14. Doing my assignment with such a picturesque sunset view, hoping that inspiration and determination will literally shine through

Of course, there are tons of perks to travel solo
The autonomy to do whatever you want (Seriously, who the f cares?)
For the first time in forever, I have total control of everything, my budget, my destinations, my time. I had no plans whatsoever, riding along what comes in my way. It's easier when you are alone and you have the advantage of making decisions that only affects yourself in contrast to a group. Don't worry about sticking to schedules, it's never going to work out quite right.
I usually book my tickets for my next destination the day before I leave because I enjoy the flexibility than having to follow a rigid excel sheet schedule. Of course, it's stressful as well because the prices are usually higher but at least you are not cutting your time out in a city. Slow down, you are supposed to appreciate the surroundings and comment on the architecture whatsoever or take the best instagrammable photo, not rush through them.
It's liberating and refreshing when you meet new faces and the fact that you are anonymous is a sea of foreign faces makes it easier to start afresh each time. Throw away your fears and legal laws/norms in your own country because that ain't gonna apply when you travel. Everyone back home always tells me "Don't do this, or Don't do that". Well, when I'm travelling and if I choose to be liberal in my thoughts or actions, I will be liberal, my choice. Period.
Independent and wiser decision making (especially when Time=Money)
When you are alone, you know exactly how to survive. You have been through some tough shit and you deal with it. I have made some very bad decisions that has repercussions and those are lessons that you will never forget when you pay the price. When you are alone, you have ample time to think through everything, and be more clear-minded when it comes to making decisions, weighing the pros and cons of each options. And yes, you also become the best masterchef/fixer/problem solver in a short span of time.
Self-confidence and Freedom of speech
When fears turn into a leap of faith, then normalcy. Talking to strangers used to be a real struggle for me, as ironic as it sounds. You work on it, one person at a time. Be very comfortable with yourself, and engage in a lot of positive conversations. Sure, some topics are definitely more difficult to talk about than others but feel free to express your thoughts. I have realized that I can talk about anything and everything, controversial or not, to someone who barely knows me, but I just can't do the same with the people who are close to me, which is an irony. Be it the issue of modern relationships, abortion laws and pro-choice/pro-life, euthanasia etc. Proceed with caution and be tactful with your discussion. You don't want to come off as being intrusive or offend anyone. Never be apologetic for being opinionated, unless you are being rude about it.
As I mentioned previously, there are always people who judge you and are skeptical of your abilities to do something because of the limitations that they choose to see. Surround yourself with people who embrace your capabilities and make you the best you that you can ever be. The people that I have met during my travels are probably the most positive and encouraging people to be with and I am extremely grateful for all the good vibes.
You learn things you never knew about the world
The world is a big place, and every country has their own issues to deal with. Staying with an unemployed man in Greece as well as talking to one of my host's friend on a video chat was enlightening for me, realizing how they are being affected by the economic crisis and he political corruption in their country. A lawyer has not been receiving her paychecks for six months? An educated young man settling for a hostel job? We often pass through a country without realizing the grime reality that locals are going through.
The media is a double edged sword. Yes, it informs, but don't forget that it also manipulate how you see the world. You learn about the right to bear arms, gun control laws and politics from a different perspective. Browsing the internet in different countries also bring about new discoveries, such as the privacy controls and censorship in each place. It's a huge topic of discussion these days.
Catch flights, not feelings.
You meet TONS of people every single day. You'll fall for places and occasionally the people that comes with it. Just keep in mind of the expiry dates. Catch flights, not feelings.
I find guys more expressive and open-minded when I was travelling, which was nice for a change. When people like you, they tell you directly, which is pretty cool. There's no messing around with your head, it's served to you right there. It's really sweet that guys I meet here make an effort to do something nice for you like putting a "Good Morning" post-it note on the bathroom mirror so that you will see it when you wash up in the morning, might be the culture, bonus points for that. To be honest, it's a surprise to meet guys who are such gentlemen, probably checked out all my romance-comedy fantasies. It's been a dream come true, even though there was no happily ever after. Also, jerks who checked out all my nightmares.
You'll find out racism isn't an explicit word or action, it's usually hidden between the lines or the subtle tease. Sometimes ignorance is the best defense and it always happen when you are a minority in a foreign country. Look closer, its everywhere.
I'm from Asia, and yes I speak fluent English. Yes I'm Asian, but that doesn't mean that I come from a third-world country. Saying "Ni Hao or konnichiwa" isn't going to impress me if you are not going to hold a decent conversation and it's extremely rude. Just don't.
Misogynistic Stereotypes
At times, you will be catcalled, you will face sexual advances, you will be objectified, you will be given the benefit of a doubt especially when you travel alone as a woman. I have been through those incidents over and over again. Challenge people's view when they try to put you down just because you are anything unlike them. If someone offers you bribes to sleep with them or pushes you to sleep with them just because they offered you an accommodation, know your worth enough to stand up for yourself. You are not a commodity, you are a human, and you do not allow anyone to degrade you to a value. I can't emphasize that enough.
Setbacks are there for you to learn. Some days you get discouraged, but you never ever quit because you are a fighter. Limitations are there for you to overcome, so what if you are a girl. I never knew myself as someone who is capable to complete a Europe backpacking tour by myself, it still feels surreal that I completed the backpacking tour despite all the roadblocks.
Listen more than you speak
Be willing to listen, for how can you expect to understand anyone if all you hear is your own voice. When someone takes time out of their busy schedule to meet you or host you, appreciate it. Do your part to be a good guest as well as a good friend. It's not hard to listen to their lives as much as they listen to your travel tales. Sure, it doesn't seem as exciting as yours but you learn something out of the conversation, could be an intriguing or an interesting insights about their lives that can be applied to yours.
You hear about their first love, their recent heartbreak, their family, their tinder matches, their college life, their childhood trauma, their insecurities, their travels and beyond. In a short time, you break the ice of being strangers to become the best of friends, even if just for a night or two. It's an intimate conversation, and it often takes courage to say things we don't usually say to people. especially when you barely know them, and I am thankful that they let their guard down. Empathy is extremely important here, know the difference between empathy and sympathy. Get comfortable with silences, sometimes we just need to feel the presence of someone with us. Oh, not to forget, a pint/shot to bring out the truths and humour.
You accept the love that you think you deserve