500 KM
There are days where we pack up our bags to leave our worst selves for better ones. I guess this was one of those times. Could be also...

4 July 2017.
Independence Day. How apt. Every birthday is a timely reminder of independence and adulting. Growing up, I've never knew that I could be...

Personal Space
Currently lying on my bedside, staring at the azure skies falling into darkness as the sun sets, listening to scattered drizzles as I...

Label me crazy, desperate for trying to make ends meet • Asking for it like a prey knocks on its hunters' door • Fading between the...

The temporary expat life. Transient. In every fucking sense of the word. See, I would love to tell you that I'm living the time of my...

New Reality
To the people who are dealing with life alone in places they have never thought they will end up living in, you are brave, you are...

Inside a Rolleiflex twin-lens camera cafe
Reasons why you should travel to 꿈꾸는사진기 Dreamy Camera Cafe Away from the hustle and bustle of the city life in Seoul, embark on a trip to...

1000 € budget, 43 days, 15 destinations
They say "No guts, No glory" , so here I am typing the conclusion of my Europe backpacking tour, which spans over a period of 43 days...

New destinations
New destinations, new currencies, new faces, the same repeated speech that you have recited multiple times over. You stop being self...

Backpacking So(low)
Backpacking solo. Everyday isn't like any other. Often, you anticipate the odds, and even out the rough patches. You will have days that...