5 reasons to conquer Belfast
It's a pity that not many will actually consider Belfast as an ideal destination, it's way underrated for such overwhelming beauty it...

In my defense on #ViajoSola
"Yesterday I was killed." read the first sentence on a Facebook post, now spreading virally, written in the voice of the two Argentine...

Nailing the art of "sleeping around"
Provocative title, isn't it? Bet you are thinking this is going to be a sleazy post, well....unfortunately not. I've realised that people...

Behind closed doors
Trying to scrimp and save in ways that I know how to, and one of the ways is through CouchSurfing, i.e. literally "sleeping around" in...

Mt Kinabalu: I came, I saw, I conquered
Disclaimer: This is a way overdued post but one of my most enthralling trips that I have embarked on. Did I leave out mind-wrecking as...

Exploring Cherating in 24hrs
Total Damage: RM 165 (all-inclusive) Heading into Malaysia towns and islands can be pretty cool actually, and not to mention we...

Total Damage: RM107 (including accomodation and bus ride back to Singapore) Penang is the food capital of Malaysia. And one do not leave...

Pulau Pangkor
Total Damage: RM180 (including car rental, accomodation and bus ride) Back to Pulau Singapura where everything connects 📶 An infinite...